Cultural City
Wanju cultural city’s specialization strategies
Focusing on the people for innovation and growth
2021.12.16Since 2018, Wanju has been paying attention and focusing on the people and their community for the innovation and growth of its local culture. It fosters and organizes culture makers, the main body of local culture growth, of their community. It is innovating and growing local culture by providing open opportunities for new cultural experiences.
A Sympathetic Cultural City for the Establishment of a Cultural Autonomy Ecosystem
It supports citizens and cultural activists not only as true participating agents of cultural policies and projects but also as the core promoters of the cultural city project, in order to solve their social and life problems in cultural ways. Through the establishment of cultural autonomy governance led by residents, Wanju's cultural autonomy ecosystem will be constructed.
A culture sharing city through connecting cultural resources
All the cultural resources of the county such as the personnel and material knowledge and information that each person, the community, and the region have will be discovered by the citizens themselves. By systematizing and sharing these, a system will be d that utilizes them as cultural assets for everyone so that there are no restrictions on cultural activities due to resource restrictions.
A communal culture for the collaborative creation of a cultural community
There will be support for the revitalization of the cultural community, where citizens realize various cultural values with limitless imagination, freely, and cooperate to innovate local culture and the region together with other members. There will also be support to foster professionals, secure the space for their activities, and discover collaborative and cooperative projects to strengthen cultural community activities to be continued on a daily basis.
A symbiotic cultural city through the solidarity of local resources
City culture and cultural capital cooperate and become tied together through citizens’ various cultural interests, value systems, and creative ideas. In solidarity with various socioeconomic capital, Wanju-gun will opportunities for new cultural practices, and establish a system of solidarity and cooperation between cultural and social capitals so that it becomes the daily life of Wanju citizens.